Generic Edit Dialog

One of the efforts in developing new administration application was the Generic Edit Dialog, which is very different from the generic editing in the Service Optimization Administration snap-in.

The dialog display the properties alphabetically, but is providing some categories, such as Basic (Key, Revision and Stamp), General (the object reference properties, for example, Task object will show CallID and Number), More (all simple type properties), Multi-Values and Aggregates, and Not Accessible (for example, Task object will show BinaryData).

However, there are some advances in this dialog over the administration snap-in. The additional Events tab is obvious and it is described in the list of features of the application. Here I would like to tell you about two more features that are more hidden.

String Properties with XML

The generic editing dialog detects when string properties are valid XML and allows editing using special XML editing dialog. The following video shows how the property set with initial XML is enough to display the [...] button, which opens a new XML editing dialog.

Reset Changed Properties

When editing object and performing multiple changes, you may want to revert one of the changes, but not completely cancel the editing. The generic editing dialog is implementing the Reset option for each property. The following video shows how you can right-click on specific item in multi-valued property, and even reset the complete multi-valued property.